Thursday, September 27, 2012

Photos of Cassadee Pope

New post from Cassadee's blog : My 2 Cents

By Cassadee Pope on September 27, 2012 09:42 AM

Alrighty! If you are interested even in the least as to why I auditioned for The Voice in the first place, you won't mind sitting through this blog and hearing my side of things. I know some of you think I don't need this opportunity, think I'm too established for the show, or even think I'm too "famous" (no way!) to be a contestant. The cool thing about The Voice, and the biggest aspect that made me want to participate, is they don't try to hide the fact that they give well-established artists another chance; as they have made very clear with the past 2 season's artists. That being said, they also give artists chances that have had little to zero success in this industry. It's a huge opportunity to expand your fan base if you already have one, and just as important to create one as a new artist. Put simply, it gives the exposure that every artist dreams of.

I think some perceptions of fame are skewed. Sure, compared to your next-door neighbor who sings Karaoke on Fridays, maybe I am some sort of famous. But compared to superstars like Katy Perry or Justin Beiber, I am nowhere near famous. And that's the main point. I wasn't content with where my career was; I hadn't hit that point in my life where I thought, "Yes, I've finally made it." My dreams and goals are much, much bigger than some of you realize, and maybe even bigger than I had ever realized. I love all my fans, every single one of you, and I thank you for your continued support. However, the one hundred-some thousand followers I have on twitter doesn't even come close to the audience that I have the opportunity to perform for on The Voice. I am extremely grateful for all the things I've accomplished in my life and career so far, and I will never dismiss the success that my band and I had. But the reality is we hit a ceiling, and we weren't growing anymore. The same could be said about my solo career; I moved to LA, contacted every single person I've met over the years, released new music, and met with label after label. Yet no matter how hard I worked, nothing was catching on.�?

I've had a ton of experience in this field, I've worked long and hard, and I have sacrificed a lot for an opportunity this massive to come along. To say I should be happy with how far I've gotten is not fair, and unjustified. I am extremely happy with every success story I have had, and even proud of some of my missteps. But I didn't start singing at 4 years old to make it "relatively far" in music. I started singing because I wanted to change the world and be a star.�All I ask is that you give me a chance to prove I've made the right decision. I thank everyone (friends, family, fans) who have looked at this in a positive light, and am excited to change the peoples mind who haven't. �I'm extremely happy to be a part of this incredible show, and am having the time of my life so far. So jump on the bandwagon and come along for the ride! Love you guys.

Pictures of Hey Monday

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First blog by Cassadee on The Voice site

The Blinds

I can't even put into words how overwhelming my experience was at the Blind Auditions. No amount of shows or tours can prepare you for that level of nervousness! All I was hoping for was at least one coach to turn around. I never expected all 4! I'm not even sure how I finished the song! After all, it's not every day you get to sing in front of 4 outstanding artists. I think the most surreal moment was seeing Christina stand at the end of my performance. I have so much respect for her, and have always been a fan. They all really pulled me in with their words and made me feel great, but I connected the most with Blake. The word "superstar" was all it took for me to choose him. That's something I've dreamt of being my whole life.
As if that wasn't enough to make my heart swell the size of my head, everyone I love got to share the experience with me!! My mom, sister, friends, and boyfriend were all there. Thankfully, I got to see them before the performance. it made me feel stronger, and more confident. AH! I could go on for pages about that dream of a day, but I'll stop. It's off to the races now! I'm going to take this opportunity by the reins and show people what I'm really made of. This is gunna be fun. :D

Pictures from Cassadee's perfomance on The Voice

Cassadee on Team Blake

So, finally Cassadee picked Blake. Yeah #TeamBlake !! Let's support her on The Voice. #TeamCassadee
Check out Cassadee's blog here :

Cassadee Pope's Blind Audition: "Torn" on The Voice

Preview about The Voice, September 25th, and There's Cassadee!

Monday, September 17, 2012

It Boys! - Shy (feat. Cassadee Pope)

Young Cassadee

Look Cassadee is so cute...

A Big Project to Make a Lyrics Video of I Guess We're Cool

COME ON JOIN THIS NOW #TEAMCASSADEE SO I CAN MAKE IT SOON! (for more info, tweet to me @DonaParamoreHW)

Support Cassadee Pope on The Voice Season 3

That's how i'm supporting her on The Voice...
And a few days ago, Cassadee saw that picture and she said...

I'm so happy! (Can't stop smiling, it makes my day.)

So, #TeamCassadee what i wanted to say is let's watch her perfomance on The Voice and keep supporting her.

Hello to all #TeamCassadee

Hey #TeamCassadee !
My name is Dona (@DonaParamoreHW) and i had my personal blog :

I love Cassadee Blake Pope (@CasssadeePope) so much.
That's my only reason to finally made this blog.
I'll try to always update everything about her.
Enjoy this blog! :D